I’m trying to add sounds to my planekit (sleitnicks planekit)
And the code doesn’t work
while true do
if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent ~= game.Workspace.PlaneKit then
plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent)
gui = plr:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("PlaneGui")
--speed = tonumber(gui.Pannel.Speed.Value.Text)
script.Parent.Sound.Playing = true
--script.Parent.Sound.Pitch = (speed)/2
The whole script
The issue is at this part of the code
It doesn’t work because the PlaneGui parents itself to the PlayerGui later than the code executes.
How to fix this?
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What error are you getting in the output?
That isn’t preventing it from working. WaitForChild
will continue yielding until that child exists. If it’s never resolving then your ScreenGui isn’t named “PlaneGui”.
thats the weird thing it is named planegui
And there is also nothing in the output
Make sure plr
exists first to ensure the problem isn’t with waiting for PlayerGui.
plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent)
if plr then
gui = plr:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("PlaneGui")
If that’s not the problem then double check the PlaneGui’s name for a trailing space character. Try rewriting the name, and copy pasting that into the string in the WaitForChild. I’ve encountered issues with studio adding invisible characters to string Attributes, which might be what’s happening here.