Im making a game with my friends.I wanted to make shop like in mining simulator so i followed alvinblox’s toturial but meet a problem at his first part that is when i run the game it shows an error
ServerScriptService.Script:11: attempt to index nil with ‘CFrame’
-- Generate Blocks
local numberOfBlocks = #game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("ToolModels"):GetChildren()
local studGap = 9 -- Gap between each box
local box = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("ItemRoller").Box0
for i = 1, numberOfBlocks-1,1 do --Looping through all of the boxes
newbox = box:Clone()
newbox:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(newbox.PrimaryPart.CFrame **i,0,0))
newbox.Name = "Box"..i
newbox.Parent = game.Workspace.ItemRoller
for i, v in pairs(game.ServerStorage.ToolModels:GetChildren()) do
if v then
new = v:Clone ()
new.Parent = game.Workspace.ItemRoller["Box"..i-1]
I searched alot in developer forum but couldnt find solution for this problem.