Problem with angles trying to limit the rotation of a plane

Hello devoforum, I am trying to limit how up a plane can rotate. The problem is the angle, it keeps bouncing:

This is the code I am using:

		local oriEntation = planeModel.Body.Orientation.X
		local minMax = math.clamp(oriEntation, -55, 55)
		if minMax == oriEntation then
			local goDir = planeModel.Body.CFrame.LookVector
			local mousePosition = GetMouseHit(workspace)
			local velMaxF =, 400000, 400000)
			local bGyroMaxT =, 900000, 900000)
			local bGyroD = planeModel.Configs.Maneuvrability.Value
			onEvent:FireServer(mousePosition, planeSpeed, goDir, planeModel.Body, velMaxF, bGyroMaxT, bGyroD)
		elseif minMax == 55 then
			planeModel.Body.CFrame = * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(54), math.rad(planeModel.Body.Orientation.Y), math.rad(planeModel.Body.Orientation.Z))
		elseif minMax == -55 then
			planeModel.Body.CFrame = * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-56), math.rad(planeModel.Body.Orientation.Y), math.rad(planeModel.Body.Orientation.Z))

Thanks for reading.

I’m not completely sure on how this stuff works or if I’m correct, but what I assume is happening is it gets to a certain angle then the plane corrects itself by turning lower. This is what’s creating your effect of correcting itself over and over again. I think you need to find a way to Max the angle itself and stop it from turning instead of correcting when it goes over.

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I figured out the problem. When setting the position iof the part it gets glitched. Is there any way to set the angles without setting the position?