It seems that the animation priorities are not working well for me, or maybe I am doing something wrong. I have made two animations for a function, IDLE and BARRAGE, the problem is that when I play the BARRAGE animation it does not play correctly, however the IDLE animation works perfectly.
BARRAGE’s priority is Action and IDLE’s is Core, so there should not be any problem, but there is.
This is what BARRAGE should look like:

This is what it looks like when playing:

Am I doing something wrong?
When animating the barrage, do you move the torso? If so its gonna override the idle animation hence being in the wrong place.
I move the LowerTorso, is that incorrect?
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I see what FroDev means, that’s also what I was thinking.
Animations only override certain parts. For example, if I have a sword swing action and I play it over a standing idle, the standing idle animation still controls the legs (they aren’t overridden by the swing) but one of the arms becomes controlled by the swing animation.
The problem might be that your barrage animation isn’t being set to override all the parts you want it to control. If you look in the animation editor, I believe each part that will get overridden is labeled to the left of the time line.
Does it seem like it’s only moving some parts? If you aren’t sure you can send a picture of the animation timeline and I/we can check it.
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This is the barrage line:
IDLE line:
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Yeah that looks correct. The idle animation doesn’t even really control anything, so it couldn’t even be an overriding issue.
That’s definitely very strange.
Even changing priorities it remains the same, it is very rare