Problem with BallSocketConstraints

For a couple of day I was experimenting with the different constrains and I stumbled across a weird glitch with BallSocketConstraints where they would cause the part effected by that constraint to go through any objects even with CanColide set to true. I would appreciate any possible solutions to this.

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It’s because BallSocketConstraints will use infinite force to get parts to snap together. Consider using other constraints such as a rod or a small rope. But in general, you will find all constraints do this one way or another.

Edit: Feel free to bump this forum up if anyone has an answer as I use constraints quite a lot in custom building games and sometimes in studio.

Can you be more descriptive in what you are referencing here? Are you talking about whether the socket will cause the part to phase through objects to get to the connection or are you talking about when connected, the part with the ball socket ignores objects around it as if those objects don’t exist?

Sorry if I wasn’t descriptive enough but yes, the part with the ballsocketconstrain does ignore all objects around it as if those object don’t exist.