Problem with billboard gui not showing up

i am trying to put a billboard gui on the player their head

this works, however other poeple are not able to see it.
(i put the billboard on their head by cloning it from replicated storage)

i used the local scripts to send a remote event to the server with the number:


(i linked each number to a character in a module script)

then in the server script i check what their number is (in a very messy way) and then apply the changes:

local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.Event
local roles = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Characters)

event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, num)

		local Board = game.ReplicatedStorage.ToClone.Character:Clone()
		Board.Enabled = true
		Board.Parent = player.Character.Head

		if num ==  "1" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.One.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.One.Color
		elseif num ==  "2" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Two.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Two.Color
		elseif num ==  "3" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Three.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Three.Color
		elseif num ==  "4" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Four.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Four.Color
		elseif num ==  "5" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Five.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Five.Color
		elseif num ==  "6" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Six.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Six.Color
		elseif num ==  "7" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Seven.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Seven.Color
		elseif num ==  "8" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Eight.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Eight.Color
		elseif num ==  "9" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Nine.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Nine.Color
		elseif num ==  "10" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Ten.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Ten.Color
		elseif num ==  "11" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Eleven.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Eleven.Color
		elseif num ==  "12" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Twelve.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Twelve.Color
		elseif num ==  "13" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Thrirteen.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Thrirteen.Color
		elseif num ==  "14" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Fourteen.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Fourteen.Color
		elseif num ==  "15" then
			Board.Text.Text = roles.Fifthteen.Name
			Board.Text.TextColor3 = roles.Fifthteen.Color
			error("has no num")

Your module script must be called by the server script so that everyone can see it, and all actions must take place in the server script. Is it like this for you?

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the number gets chosen from a server script gets sent to a local script and gets send to another server script after a few minutes

in the beginning of the server script that was shown in this post it says:

local roles = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Characters)

i’m sorry, i accidentally typed something wrong in module script…

thanks for the help tho

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