Hello im trying to blend my gfx with the background. when i do gfx the avatar feet always look off and weird im not sure how to blend it with background ive tried youtube tutorial and all of it didnt teach specificly on this part.
the feet look way too sharp and stick out any method on how to fix this?
There are many methods you can use to achieve the desired effect, to properly phrase your question; I believe you’re asking how to properly composite (blend/put images together to make one).
1. YouTube Tutorials
I know you said you’ve tried youtube tutorials but I think this one can be the biggest help if you take your time to soak in the information. Photoshop Compositing Secrets on YouTube
2. Tips for doing this without watching the video…
Make sure that the two images, in this case the character and the background, have the correct perspective. This means the camera is looking at both images in almost the exact same angle.
I don’t know how this will work in your situation but a trick I like to do in Photoshop is I duplicate the layer I want to blend onto the background, I then Gaussian Blur it by an amount that gives it a small blur on top of the original image (mess around with this, its different for every occasion), and then I mask out everything except for the part that need to be blended better.
If you need any specifics or just want to know more feel free to dm me or reply here