Problem with car

I’m trying to make a custom car system, and I have already done it, but now that I’m setting the cars, I figured out that there is an issue with wheels, in less words when I speed up and stop after an instant, the wheels continue to rotate slowly… I’m using a VehicleSeat Throttle to control the Forward or backward direction speed, and I’m using the HingeContraints as Motor to control the rotation with AngularVelocity Option inside of them. I’m also using a custom physics settings. The mass of the car is not a problem because all of the cars have the same mass due to the blocks with this purpose I added in each of the car. Help please

PS: I linked a video below


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The MotorMaxAcceleration property of HingeConstraints also affects how fast the car reaches 0 velocity so you’ll need to increase its value if you want your vehicle to stop faster

Edit: @Ironboy1965 Now that the video has loaded, I can see that the problem is that the wheel is turning while the car is stationary. I suspect the AngularVelocity is interfering with the HingeConstraint which is causing this problem to occur

I set this property to 250000, have I to increase this to 500k ?
because looking the video and trying the car, it gives the problem only if I speed up and slow down fast

and the car also shakes a little bit once reached 0, it starts to shake a bit forward and backward for about 3/4 seconds

That’s already a high acceleration value, so I don’t think you need to increase it more

What’s the Hinge’s MotorMaxTorque value?

The problem could also possibly be due to this bug:


okay I think I have to do my own client script that sends key data to the server, thank u so much!


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