Problem With CollisionGroup

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want a part to be collided with everything except players.

  2. What is the issue? Everything works but the part just falls through the floor.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I found no solutions relating to this topic so far.

How would I achieve this using an CollisionGroup and possibly PhysicsService if that needs to be included? I saw the documentation about CollisionFiltering and thought I would give this a try but the full collision is disabled I want it to collide with everything except for players.



		for i, v in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do

			if v:IsA("MeshPart") or v:IsA("Part") then

				v.CollisionGroupId = "Your Collision Group Id"





I see Default in your Picture default means all the Part in the Game that means if your character Spawns he will fall through all Parts.

Do I just leave default enabled but not blood particles enabled than?

Would this apply collision to the part on everything except for players?

Do you want that Players can go through specific Parts? Or do you want that Players cant collide?

Also i’m taking about an BasePart not character limbs.

I want a BasePart (not the character) to collide with everything except for players.

Then just go to BasePart Properties and deactivate Cancollide.

But blood particles will go through parts and emit blood there which I don’t want. That’s why i’m using collision groups.

Do you want that the Blood should not go through the Part?

Yes and I want to make the blood particle not have collisions for players.

Example: You cannot collide with this BasePart but the BasePart won’t fall meaning it has collisions for everything else except players.

Sorry i dont understand your Question right, do you want that Blood Particle should go through the BasePart and the Player should not go through the BasePart or do you want that when a Player collides with a Part that the Part should not fall down?

I want the part to collide with everything else except player’s basically the BasePart will go through players without making the BasePart fall down.

Then use the script i gave u over me and make the BasePart to Anchored == true in the Properties

Yeah. Or I can send an screenshot explaining.


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Can you send a Video so i understand better

Woah! A BasePart it collides with everything and I can even collide with it! Except i’m not suppose to collide with it since i’m an player! And players cannot collide with this unanchored part! (I want the player to go through it.)

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Yeah for that i made you the script i sended u minutes ago, try it:

How does the Script work?:

Make two new CollisionGroupId, name one Part and the another one Player and deactivate both Buttons so they can not collide, then insert the Player Collision Group Id into the script “Your Collision Group Id”

Kk. But are the properties right?

(I disabled the blood_particle property since I don’t want the blood particles to collide with the other blood particles)

Make a new one, dont use Default

I will send u a Place now