Problem with Commisions

Hey Devs! Recently I have run into a situation where I have gotten no commissions for the past month. I won’t use discord (After my awful experience). I have attempted to use the Talent Hub, but it is very inefficient.

I think my work is decent so if you would like to see it for yourself it’s here: [ Henry Builds ]

Please reply with some suggestions.


Why don’t you use discord? Because it is way easier over there.

Something personal happened, and now my parents no longer allow me to use it.

Unfortunately, Discord is probably the only good option. You can try using the developer forum message system but that isn’t the most efficient.


You could use, it’s basically Roblox owned Discord.

The talent hub is really bad for getting commissions, but have you tried just applying to all the job posts you’re qualified for? Getting jobs based on your portfolio isn’t really possible from what I’ve heard.

Verifying your account also helps, especially with talent hub, though I bet you might not be old enough to do that. You also might want to get a better reputation, maybe show a few past commissions and upgrade your avatar a tiny bit.

You can prove to people on talent hub that’s your main by friending it or having it follow you.

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First off, 1 red flag about you is your Roblox profile. I personally wouldn’t hire an account made in late 2021 that hasn’t been on in 2 months. It could be that possible clients are cautious of new accounts, since they could be potential scammers. Due to this reason, I would suggest you build and work on your profile and perhaps work on your portfolio by doing more personal projects. Although your builds are decent, there are numerous developers that can do the same work as yours. Don’t get me wrong, you do have talent, but most of their needs can be met by someone else that is more reliable/trustworthy. I believe a takeaway here is to not rush things and create something that makes you stand out from the rest.

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I do have a mean account however I do understand:

Good Points. I am still waiting to get my ID so that I can verify My account. Also thanks for the suggestions!

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Discord is by far the best option. Maybe if you do it secretly? This is bad advice, but you don’t have another choice to be honest.

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DO NOT FOLLOW MY ADVICE. That is not a good reply. I regret sending it.

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