I am using the archimedes plugin to create a tunnel, and I cannot seem to find a way to actually make the tunnel curve into another direction (like right or left). Since the orientation is different for each part. It usually messes up because of that. Thanks.
It isn’t possible to make it smooth with parts like above. You could create a union then convert the union to a mesh then use another converter to change the mesh to wedge parts triangles if you want something made of BaseParts.
I’d just make a union then convert it to a mesh so it’s easy to work with. Probably more performant than having a bunch of parts too.
I tried the union method from the PersonifiedPizza, and it works but it requires a lot of parts to be perfect. the smaller the size of the union, the less edges/more smoother the appearance w/ no overlaps. I am worried about lag. Here is an example requiring 200 parts:
You’re never going to get it perfectly smoothed without a large number of parts or tris, at some point you have to either compromise appearance or accept the lag.