I am trying to make a customization menu and it was great until I came to the clothing part whenever I try to insert a shirt id or a pant id into the customization dummy which is just a dummy that shows the players how their characters looks like, So whenever I try to insert either of them it just doesn’t show but it shows in the pants/shirt template id but it just doesn’t show the shirt or pant on the dummy it’s just undressed.
local E4 = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").CustomizationMenu.Event4
local Dummy = game.Workspace.CustomizatioDummy
local Outfittext = script.Parent.Parent.Outfits
Outfittext.Text = "Outfit1"
Dummy.Shirt.ShirtTemplate = "rbxassetid://8929407500"
Dummy.Pants.PantsTemplate = "rbxassetid://8929404178"
How the dummy looks when clicking on add outfit:
How it should look when clicking on add outfit: