You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I want to be able to use a command to modify the “speaker” name when using a command in chat.
For example, ;chat Admin Hello!
Output: [Admin] Hello! -
What is the issue?
I’m attempting to try to retrieve the message and check to see if the first word is “;chat”. However, I am only able to detect the message from the player that is messaging, but the message results as nil when the other player’s script attempts to find the message -
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I have attempted to look in the table called “messageData” which shows the detail of the message detail which I think is one step closer to the solution, but I still need help on finding the chat.
-- This code is located in game.Chat.ClientChatModules.MessageCreatorModules.DefaultChatMessage
-- Code modified is inside function "CreateMessageLabel"
function CreateMessageLabel()
local message = messageData.Message
local formatUseName = string.format("[%s]", speakerName)
-- Format: ;chat SomeNameHere This is a sample text
if message ~= nil then -- message is nil for non speakers
if messageData.MessageLengthUtf8 > 5 then
if string.sub(message, 1, 5) == ";chat" then
local stringTable = string.split(message, " ")
formatUseName = "[" .. stringTable[2] .. "]"
Result (only for the speaker, the nonspeaker is left unchanged):
Update: I found another closer solution in term of detecting the message inside this function within the same function:
local function UpdateTextFunction(messageObject)
if messageData.IsFiltered then
BaseMessage.Text = string.rep(" ", numNeededSpaces) .. messageObject.Message
local messageLength = messageObject.MessageLengthUtf8 or messageObject.MessageLength
BaseMessage.Text = string.rep(" ", numNeededSpaces) .. string.rep("_", messageLength)
-- In the output, this print nil for the nonspeaker
-- However, this somehow fired again and return the actual message