RandomTrail = {URL = "rbxassetid://242218744", Name = "Random Trail", Price = 25, Currency = "R$", Pass = true, PassURL = 10540123}
Bubbles = {URL = "rbxassetid://242218744", Name = "Bubbles", Price = 1000, Currency = "Bubbles", Pass = false}
Trails = {RandomTrail, Bubbles}
for i = 1, #Trails do
if (Trails[i])["Pass"] == true then
game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptProductPurchase(game.Players.LocalPlayer, (Trails[i])["PassURL"])
When a player pushes the button the player should be prompted a purchase to purchase the product but it keeps saying product is not currently for sale. which im 99% sure it is.
(Sorry i sampled this code from my long script so if something doesn’t make sense i apologise in advanced lol)