Hello everyone, I have a problem with a Report system with Discord webhook integration. The problem is the url I try to put in the embed, it works perfectly fine with other links, but when I try to put custom arguments it gives a “HTTP 400 (Bad Request)” error, the pinned screenshot shows it
This is the piece of code, the problem is at the [“url”] line
local Data =
["content"] = " ",
["embeds"] = {{
["title"] = "Report",
["url"] = "roblox://experiences/start?placeId="..placeid.."&gameInstanceId="..jobid,
["description"] = reason,
["type"] = "rich",
["color"] = tonumber(0xff1e00),
["fields"] = {
["name"] = "Target",
["value"] = target,
["inline"] = true
["name"] = "Reported by",
["value"] = player.Name,
["inline"] = true
I used the link example in Bloxtrap’s rich presence “Join server” button.