Problem with GUI

Hey, whenever more than two people join my game this weird full-screen GUI pops up. There is nothing wrong with my StarterGUIs, it must be either a infection or a glitch. Please help me if you can!

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is there a starter gui inserted

Remove it and create a new one.

did you read what i said? there is no startgui that causes the issue

is there a weird script like a virus. I once had one but I removed it before execution.

It may be a backdoor, try looking in the game for anything. You could also use this;
(Use a localscript)

    if Obj:IsA('ScreenGui') or Obj:IsA('Frame') or Obj:IsA('TextLabel') or Obj:IsA('TextButton') or Obj:IsA('TextBox') then
        Obj:Destroy(print('Inserted object detected (INFO: '..Obj.Name..', '..Obj.Parent.Name..')'))
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Try searching Script in the search bar. It will show all the scripts you have ingame. Go through everything which looks weird, usually a backdoor script is named a space or some random characters.