local coinValue = ld.Coins.Value
local function updateTimeCoin()
local months = math.floor(coinValue / (30 * 24 * 3600))
local days = math.floor((coinValue % (30 * 24 * 3600)) / (24 * 3600))
local hours = math.floor((coinValue % (24 * 3600)) / 3600)
local minutes = math.floor((coinValue % 3600) / 60)
local seconds = coinValue % 60
local formattedTime = string.format("<font color='rgb(0,255,0)'>M %02d,</font> <font color='255,255,255'>D %02d,</font> <font color='255,255,255'>H %02d,</font> <font color='255,255,255'>M %02d,</font> <font color='255,255,255'>S %02d</font>", months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
gui.TimeCounterLetters.RichText = true
gui.TimeCounterLetters.Text = formattedTime
print("Months:", months)
print("Days:", days)
print("Hours:", hours)
print("Minutes:", minutes)
print("Seconds:", seconds)
I want the result to be like this:
But for some reason, I’m like this so far:
Question, what am I doing wrong?
I have RichText