Problem with HumanoidRootPart being anchored/unanchored

I got kind of a problem and I am pretty sure that it’s caused by the HumanoidRootPart. I looked at several topics on the devforum but I didn’t find anything useful. So the problem is that when I am in the Roblox animator itself, I animate with the HumanoidRootPart being anchored because otherwise the torso wouldn’t move at all. But if I solo test play in Studio then the HumanoidRootPart is anchored of course because I anchored it for the animations. The problem is that when it’s anchored, the model is stuck in the air, plays the animations but it’s just- like I said- stuck in the air. And when I unanchor it the animation looks very scuffed and I have no idea what the problem is. I changed the hip height a few times but that doesn’t seem to be the problem. It’s a basic lay animation for the tiger.

1 Case: The HumanoidRootPart is anchored in the Roblox Animator.

2 Case: The HumanoidRootPart is anchored in-game.

3 Case: The HumanoidRootPart is not anchored in-game.

The problem was that the HRP was not the same size as the Torso!