Something seems to be wrong with the wheels on this chassis. The chassis shown is a constraint physics car chassis which I resized (larger) to make it fit the vehicle I’m making. It’s also a custom made one.
I do know that the problem lies within the constraints because the VehicleSeat scripts work perfectly fine (including steering), but I’ve already tried different adjustments and none of them fixed it. The constraints used include SpringConstraints and HingeConstraints. What should I change on the chassis to fix this problem?
Perhaps due to the tires’ very large size, try in reading the force the constraints can use to turn the wheels. Perhaps there could be too much friction or not enough force that is causing the wheels to not turn properly.
Crank the Torque in the Servo HIngeConstraints for the steering.
I’ve also found that HingeConstraints can be pretty springy, so you may want to add a rod between the front wheels with a lever type setup to connect them. Put an attachment to the steering Part 3 or 4 studs straight ahead or behind the steering pivot on each side, then use a RodConstaint to attach both of those attachments.
Have a look at how I did it on my suspension test game:
Decided to try a bit of both solutions and they worked. Thanks both of you.
I also turned down the AngularResponsiveness on the steering hinges which reduced the wobbliness.