Problem With Leaderboard (decimal number problem) in roblox studio

Hello programmers form devforum roblox, i have a problem with the rank value number in leaderboard, it shows a decimal number (example 10.0001) instead of 10,

here is the image of code of leaderboard:

here is the image of leaderboard issue in roblox:
Screenshot (10)
Screenshot (11)

please resolve this problem ASAP

Use “math.round()” to round up your numbers and remove the decimals.

math | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

yes, but how i put the script?

If you know what values you put on the leaderboards, then modify them by adding
“value_here = math.round(value_here)” where you replace “value_here” with your value.

i don’t know, can you explain me how number of line code i do to put this code?

I don’t know because I don’t know your code and what you showed me in those photos is not understandable by me.

because i don’t know where number of line to put script on

use math.floor to get the integer number instead of decimal example:

function format()
-- math
return math.floor(returned value) -- return in the integer number example 10 instead of 10.00000001