Problem with making a "dungeon" generator

I try to make a dungeon generator

function GenerateRoom(position,rotation)
	if roomsNumber >= roomsNumberMax then return end
	local whichRoom = RoomsNames[math.random(1,#RoomsNames)]
		local room = whichRoom:Clone()
		room.Parent = game.Workspace.Facility
		local attachment = room.PrimaryPart:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Attachment")
		if attachment then
			room:PivotTo( + attachment.Position))
			local CFRot1 = CFrame.lookAt(room.PrimaryPart.Position,attachment.WorldPosition)
			local CFRot = CFrame.lookAt(attachment.WorldPosition,position)
			room:PivotTo( + attachment.Position)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(CFRot:ToEulerAnglesXYZ()))

I know that this is messy but i tried a lot of things and this how i ended up. It doesnt work rotation is bad and position

can you send a video of it malfunctioning? Im having a similar issue.

edit: Oh sheesh i realized this reply is a year late, thought was 2 weeks