Problem with making UI look nice


Hello! Im trying to make my UI stick together and depending on their device is how big the ui is. I tried using the autoscale plugin but it doesnt work. And the bar moves based on your screen size.

try to size it in scale instead of offset

That’s how scale works, it adapts to your screen example {1,0,1,0} is the full screen so if the menu lets say is {.3,0,.3,0} its going to take up .3/1 of the screen, I believe scale and offset combined can get what your looking for though. Not really experienced in UI so don’t take my word on it.

but when I convert it to scale it looks like this:

Now adjust it to your liking where you want it and then it should be good, might be better to get another UI Designer / Developer in here.

should I convert position and size or just size? Thanks for responding

Make everything on the scale so position and size.

It worked! Thank you so much god bless :pray:

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