Problem with MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(ASSETID).IsLimitedUnique

Hi, so, to keep everything simple and clear, print(game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(12803855954).IsLimitedUnique) should print true, since GetProduncInfo(ASSETID).IsLimitedUnique returns true if the asset is LimitedU or not. But the thing is that the asset with the asset 12803855954 is the Red Glossy Cap, which is actually a LimitedU. Glossy Red Baseball Cap - Roblox
TLDR: GetProductInfo(assetid).IsLimitedUnique always return false

Any way to fix this ? Thanks.

more infos:

doc: MarketplaceService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

can someone please help me plsss im crying inside

Since the item has not yet sold out all of its quantity, :GetProductInfo() does not class it as a LimitedUnique item. Quite bizarre. I found this out by testing the same line of code with other limited unique items, and it would only return true if the item has sold out all of its quantity.

It also doesnt work with a roblox dominus (ex: dom emp) which is limited U since a long time