Problem with Memory Store Usage Limits in Studio

Whenever I am saving something into a MemoryStore in Roblox Studio, I get the TotalMemoryOverLimit error:

I know that Roblox Studio memory stores are isolated from those of game production servers (hence why the memory quota is only 65536 bytes for me in Roblox Studio, whilst it’s at 50M bytes for my in-game servers), but the numbers in the error message seems to be indicating that it’s erroring because my production server usage is exceeding my Roblox studio limit:

The Studio and In-Game usage limits are meant to be isolated from one another though, so either Roblox is comparing the wrong two values, or there is a mistake with the error message.

as you can see, it’s comparing my 11414236 byte production-server usage to my 65536 byte Roblox studio limit in the error message.

I’m unsure what my MemoryStore usage in Roblox Studio is. If I’m using above 65536 bytes, then sure that’s fair for it to be giving me a TotalMemoryOverLimit error. But as it’s not telling me my Roblox Studio MemoryStorage usage in the error message, this makes me wonder if I’ve actually gone over my 65536 byte studio limit or if Roblox is mistakenly comparing my production server usage (11M bytes) to my lower studio limit of 65k bytes, causing it to error all the time?


Hey there, we believe this might be linked to a TeamCreate bug that was fixed last week. Could you please try to reproduce this and see if the issue still occurs?

If it does, could you share whether TeamCreate is enabled or not in Studio for your experience?

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Hey @ivorycastle, thank you so much! It looks like the problem is fixed as I’m not getting this error anymore, and yes I did had team create enabled on my experience.

Also, is there a way for us to check our current MemoryStore memory usage in Roblox studio? The Observability dashboard only seems to show us our usage of live game servers only

Glad to know the issue got fixed. Unfortunately we currently don’t have a way to check MemoryStore memory usage in Roblox Studio. The dashboard only shows game server MemoryStore memory usage like you mentioned.

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