Whenever I require it it gives me this order (Or something like it I dont remember perfectly) - Turtle, Cat, Dog, Ferret, Bunny. The problem is, I want it to give it to me in written order.
You’d have to change the indexes to numbers or some sort of ordered character because dictionaries are not ordered naturally I don’t think
(may not be true though)
Dictionaries aren’t ordered, you will need to index by number or convert it to an array and then sort it. Why do you need it to be in a specific order? There may be another way to solve this problem if the context was made clear.
I am calling it from a Gui then turning it into a list from most common to rare. It would look ugly if it was out of order. I need to use the name from the dictionary to get the model from replicated storage so I can use it in a viewport.
I think the solution would be to format it as [“1 Dog”] , [“2 Cat”] and use string manipulation.
This has the added benefit of allowing you to keep this information separate from the rarity(so that you can change that at will) without having to muck up this table