Problem with Motor6D.Transform(Procedural Animation)

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. I am trying to make my own Animation System using CFrames.

  2. I switched to the CFrames in Poses and saw on the DevForum that roblox animation editor uses Motor6D.Transform

  3. I haven’t found any solutions soo far.

                for _,V in pairs(CharacterModel:GetChildren()) do
                    if(AnimationObject._Stopped == true) then return end
                    if(V:IsA("BasePart") and Table.Sequence["Start"][V.Name] and V:FindFirstChildOfClass("Motor6D")) then
                        local Tween = TweenService:Create(V:FindFirstChildOfClass("Motor6D"),, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.In), { Transform = Table.Sequence["Start"][V.Name]})
                if(AnimationObject._Stopped == true) then return end
                local Sequences = #Table.Sequence["Main"]
                for i = 1, Sequences do
                    if(AnimationObject._Stopped == true) then return end
                    for LimbName,LimbCFrame in pairs(Table.Sequence["Main"][i]) do
                        if(AnimationObject._Stopped == true) then return end
                        if(CharacterModel:FindFirstChild(LimbName) and CharacterModel[LimbName]:FindFirstChildOfClass("Motor6D")) then
                            TweenService:Create(CharacterModel[LimbName]:FindFirstChildOfClass("Motor6D"),["Main"][i]["Time"], Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.In), { Transform = LimbCFrame}):Play()
                    if(AnimationObject._Stopped == true) then return end
                    if(AnimationObject._Stopped == true) then return end

you should try to test to make sure properties work how you think they do before you use them

I just messed around a bit to use the Transform property, the first screenshot is in studio outside of a test, the second screenshot is in studio in a test
So, the Transform property looks like it does not affect the joint in studio
I would setup the Animation Editor by disabling all of the motor6Ds and simulating animations by lerping cframes in a function connected to RunService's Stepped (or PreSimulation if PreSimulation is available)
Tweening works too, but it’ll be harder to setup something like sliding the scrollbar through the animation