Hey, I’ve recently wanted to make a “Who want’s to be a millionaire” game but there is a problem. In the current version the player just starts a game and answers questions (two difficulties - hard and normal: hard is the real difficulty like in the show and normal is really easy). The problem is that the gameplay is bad and everyone can just search up the answer or use macro. I come up with some ideas but they aren’t good enough or not made up completely like timer for each question, multiplayer, some open answers and etc.
Here is a video of the gameplay for now to see what I’m talking about. I want to continue but I don’t know how exactly:
for the “players can just search the question online” issue, you could implement a mechanic so that everytime the player isn’t focused on their screen (tries to go on google, or just tabs out of roblox to search the question) their answer isn’t validated.
this would make it so that players have to stay focused on the roblox screen only to answer
you could implement this with the userinputservice windowfocusreleased event ;
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
-- answer isn't valid
try touching up the ui more (better placed answers, they’re too much on the left, and overall just making it look better), adding more stuff, some tips players could buy (a gamepass, where you can pay like 25 robux for a clue on the question)
and a map obviously with a public and the who wants to be a millionaire host saying the questions
About the map that’s not my problem rn, I will find someone later and about things like that I will think after I solve this problem. Also I thought about the focus solution but this can’t fix the whole problem, only make it little harder but mostly annoying because they will just search on their phones. So still I need to find something better.
Maybe but that will distance the main “who want’s to be a millionaire” idea to just a quiz game. It would work and maybe I will need to add a timer but If I do I will need to make it longer because that’s the idea - to think. Also in hard difficulty they are really hard and you won’t be able to just instantly know it.
players will always find a way of searching your questions my advice was to fix the easiest way of doing that it ain’t about disabling it totally cause that’s just impossible
the hard/ easy question problem about the timer you can just fix that by having each question have a personalized difficulty attribute
for instance for each letter in the question you add 0.5 seconds (so that they can read any questions depending on their lenght) and add to that time a difficulty time (10-15 seconds for easy questions, 30-45 for hard depends on what attribute you gave to that question)