Problem with Overhead

I am trying to get an Overhead with a level below your name. It’s for a project I wanted to work on.

Thing is, it always breaks. No Overhead and it won’t work. Here’s screenshots of the script.

I’ve tried looking through the script and changing things. Nothing seems to fix. I looked at tutorials and still nothing works. What do I do?

I don’t know what to do. If you can spot the problem, please let me know. Thanks!

On the leaderstats script, there is not a “)” at the end of “Player”, maybe that helps?
There is not necessary spaces and not a “=” at leaderstats.Name

What line is it on? Sorry I’m slow, lol.

Edit: nevermind, found it.

Sort of a solution. It fixed the leaderboard (showing what level you have) but the overhead isn’t appearing still.

Try resetting and see if it appears, sometimes CharacterAdded doesnt run when the player first joins.

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Nope. Still doesn’t work. I’ll probably make a separate game with the script in it and make it uncopylocked so people can try fixing it. Nothing is really working.

in the first line of the leaderstats paragraph there needs to be a “)” behind the Player text like this

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Is it erroring or infinite yielding? If it isn’t, there really isn’t a reason it shouldn’t work other than if the GUI was accidentally disabled or something unrelated to the script.

I changed it, same thing happens.

I will be looking into it. I am really confused on what can be the issue.

This is a known issue with headless, try it with any other head and it should work.

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Will try it. I will update you on the outcome.

Still doesn’t work. >:/ I wonder what the issue seems to be.


I am now gonna redo the whole script and update you.

You were actually correct, thanks for the help!

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