Problem with ProximityPrompt

Hi i’m having a problem with proximity prompt:

I can’t find the event that does the following:

After the player has triggered the proximity prompt, I want to find a way to find the player who did it
( similar to the GetPlayerFromCharacter() event but with proximityprompts)

script so far:

	-- Find the player who did it
        -- activate the gui using a remoteEvent

I’ve something that might help, it’s the GetActor() event but it seems that it’s currently not avaiable and there’s no documentation about it :frowning:

does anyone know the name of that event or it just doesn’t exist ?

When I try the GetActor() event :


Triggered return sthe player who activated the prompt, so just do

	-- Do stuff with player
    -- player is the parameter that contains the player who triggered the prompt

Oh thanks ! I’m a beginner lol I wanted to experiment with their new instance because I really like the system :smiley:

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Anytime! If you have anymore issues don’t be afraid t omake another post! And good luck on your scripting journey!