Problem with Pushing over a humanoid

Hello, I’m trying to be able to push a humanoid over, just like I would a normal part.

I’m also very new to scripting and Studio.

I wrote this script:

local lew = game.Workspace.lewcio_szmulcias -- lewcio_szmulcias is in the img.

lew.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false

This is a humanoid I spawned in with the Load Character plugin.


when I try to push him over just like I would a normal part, he doesn’t fall. I’ve tried making it massless and with mass, but it just doesn’t fall. Any help?

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Set Humanoid.EvaluateStateMachine to false. Then you should be able to push it to fall over.

PlatformStand is set to false by default, so you’re not really changing anything. PlatformStand disables leg collision, so you can push it over, but it would kinda be in the floor.

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local lew = game.Workspace.lewcio_szmulcias -- lewcio_szmulcias is in the img.

lew.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
lew.Humanoid.Sit = true
lew["Right Leg"].CanCollide = true
lew["Left Leg"].CanCollide = true
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Humanoids normally don’t just fall over, otherwise all of our avatars would. They have their very own physics controller so you can’t just push and interact with them as normal Parts.

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I’m pretty sure that Humanoid.Sit makes the player’s limbs CanCollide, since this has been used for years to make it so a player will slide down a hill.

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nope… it doesn’t work, still wont tip over when i try to push it down.

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It needs to be a server script

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