Problem with Reflectance on accessory

I am making a Helmet accessory and the semi-transparent part in it (with reflectance = 1) has a different behavior when the accessory is attached inside a character.
When it is inside the character, it becomes completely non-transparent.
Here is a screenshot. On the right character the helmet is not parented to the character:

What can be the reason for such behaviour?



If you copy and paste the helmet on the left and move it onto the character it does the same thing?

yes, one of the helmets is copy of the other
One of them is pasted inside the character model ,the other is just positioned over it

Did you try to set the reflectance to 0 and then back to 1?

yes, I tried. it does not fix the things
when Reflectance is 0, the Helmet is transparent ,when Reflectance is 1, the helmet is completely not transparent