idk why this occurs but when parenting things to workspace.Camera from Server
the thing ends up eventually after about 3 minutes just stops working completely like the server realised its not replicated so decided to stop moving it why is this the case ?
for example you make a part go back and forth on the server parenting to the after about 70-100 seconds it stops working you can try it your self
here: just place script in SSS
you need 2 anchored non collidable parts in workspace .
check in output but eventually the part stops moving
could somebody explain why ?
this occurs with anything even with model:MoveTo
eventually it breaks and server stops throwing any resources at it and completely ignores your code like its having a disagreement with me XD
local Box = workspace.HumanoidBoxBF:Clone()
Box.Parent = workspace.Camera
Box.CFrame = workspace.Part1.CFrame
local BV ="BodyVelocity")
BV.Parent = Box
BV.Velocity =, 0, 0)
local targetPosition = workspace.Part2.Position
local speed = 24 -- Adjust this value to control the speed of movement
local Direction
local Count = 0
while task.wait(1) do
local currentPosition = Box.Position
Direction = (workspace.Part2.Position - currentPosition).Unit
BV.Velocity = Direction * speed
Count += 1
local currentPosition = Box.Position
Direction = (workspace.Part1.Position - currentPosition).Unit
BV.Velocity = Direction * speed