Problem with space game

Hi am trying to make a space game with realistic orbital mechanics similar to that of KSP. I have a simple gravity system I am replicating it using line forces which works pretty well. What Im trying to do now is orbital prediction using Keplers laws of plantery motion and some physics we can calculate orbital parameters using just the “Satellites” initial Position and velocity, Semimajor Axis, Eccentricity give us the shape of the orbit. Then we need three other parameters Longitude of Ascending node, Inclination and Argument Of Periapsis these are used in the render to apply a rotation matrix. The problem is one of the parameters Argument of Periapsis isn’t calculated correctly and I have no Idea why. For more background information we are simulating this bodies motion

Its a tiny cube meant to represent our “Satellite” I have assigned it a random linear velocity and from there we try predict its movement around the glowly star object you see in the background. We ignore the force the Satellite exerts on the star. From there the orbits an ellipse and we can calculate the two parameters that tell us about the shape of the orbit Semimajor axis refers to half the ellipse along its longer side. Eccentricity really is just the relationship between the Short side and the long side of the Ellipse. After that we try to Render the orbit in 3D using the 3 other parameters I mentioned we define a Rotation matrix. Two of the three rotations work as you can see here Teal is the predicted orbit and green is the actual orbit

it lines up perfectly along 2 dimensions. Unfortunutely the last rotation using the parameter “Argument of periapsis” doesn’t really work

and I have the belief that its calculated wrong some how because I can guess the value from 0-360 untill its correct as you can see here

This here is the Code that I use to calculate it

	local function CalculateNodeDot(n, e)
		return n:Dot(e)

	local nMag = n.magnitude  
	local eMag = e.magnitude 

	local DotEN = CalculateNodeDot(n, e)

	local smallOmega = math.acos(DotEN / (eMag * nMag))

	local omega = smallOmega
	-- hours wasted counter on this = 4

This here is the formula so not sure what Im doing wrong
and yes I am 99% sure my inputs are correct.
Im thinking it could be the rotation matrix here is the full code. It is very messy and not optimized right now.

local G = 6.67430e-11  -- Gravitational constant in m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
local M = 4.225696418e15  -- Mass of the star in kg
local STUDS_TO_METERS = 3.7  -- Conversion factor from studs to meters
local part = game.Workspace.moon 
local star =

-- Function to convert Roblox position to meters
local function studsToMeters(positionStuds)
	return positionStuds / STUDS_TO_METERS

-- Function to calculate specific angular momentum vector
local function calculateSpecificAngularMomentum(r, v)
	return r:Cross(v)

-- Function to calculate eccentricity vector
local function calculateEccentricityVector(r, v, h, mu)
	return (v:Cross(h) / mu) - r.unit

-- Function to calculate eccentricity
local function calculateEccentricity(e_vector)
	return e_vector.magnitude

-- Function to calculate semi-major axis using vis-viva equation
local function calculateSemiMajorAxis(r_mag, v_mag, mu)
	return 1 / ((2 / r_mag) - (v_mag^2 / mu))

-- Function to calculate periapsis distance
local function calculatePeriapsisDistance(a, e)
	return a * (1 - e)

local partPosition = part.Position
local partVelocity = part.Velocity
local starPosition = star.Position

-- Gravitational parameter
local mu = G * M  -- in m^3/s^2

-- Calculate r and v in meters
local r = studsToMeters(partPosition - starPosition)
local v = studsToMeters(partVelocity)

-- Calculate specific angular momentum vector
local h = calculateSpecificAngularMomentum(r, v)

-- Calculate eccentricity vector
local e_vector = calculateEccentricityVector(r, v, h, mu)

local h_vector = calculateSpecificAngularMomentum 

-- Calculate eccentricity
local eccentricity = calculateEccentricity(e_vector)

-- Calculate the magnitudes of r and v
local r_mag = r.magnitude
local v_mag = v.magnitude

-- Calculate semi-major axis
local semiMajorAxis = calculateSemiMajorAxis(r_mag, v_mag, mu)

-- Calculate periapsis distance
local periapsisDistance = calculatePeriapsisDistance(semiMajorAxis, eccentricity)

-- Calculate perihelion position
local perihelionPosition = starPosition + studsToMeters(periapsisDistance * e_vector.unit * STUDS_TO_METERS)

-- Print results
print("Specific Angular Momentum Vector (h):", h)
print("Eccentricity Vector (e):", e_vector)
print("Eccentricity:", eccentricity)
print("Semi-Major Axis :", semiMajorAxis*STUDS_TO_METERS)
print("Periapsis Distance (meters):", periapsisDistance*STUDS_TO_METERS)
print("Perihelion Position:", perihelionPosition*STUDS_TO_METERS)

-- Create a big red part at the calculated perihelion position
local function createPartAtPerihelion()
	local bigRedPart ="Part")
	bigRedPart.Size =, 100, 100)  -- Example size
	bigRedPart.Position = perihelionPosition  -- Set position to perihelion position
	bigRedPart.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)  -- Red color
	bigRedPart.Parent = game.Workspace  -- Parent to the workspace or appropriate parent
	bigRedPart.CanCollide = false

-- Call the function to create the part at the calculated perihelion position

-- Function to calculate semi-major axis in meters
local function calculateSemiMajorAxis(partPosition, partVelocity, starPosition, mu)
	-- Calculate the relative position vector in meters
	local r = studsToMeters(partPosition - starPosition)

	-- Calculate the relative velocity vector in meters per second
	local v = studsToMeters(partVelocity)

	-- Calculate specific orbital angular momaentum vector
	local h = r:Cross(v)

	-- Calculate the magnitude of r and v
	local r_mag = r.magnitude
	local v_mag = v.magnitude

	-- Calculate the specific orbital energy
	local E = (v_mag^2)/2 - mu/r_mag

	-- Calculate the semi-major axis in meters
	local a = -mu/(2*E)

	-- Convert semi-major axis back to Roblox studs and return
	return a * STUDS_TO_METERS

local mu = G * M  -- in m^3/s^2

-- Calculate semi-major axis in Roblox studs
local semiMajorAxisStuds = calculateSemiMajorAxis(partPosition, partVelocity, starPosition, mu)

local a = semiMajorAxisStuds

function calculateRa(a, perihelionPosition)
	local Ra = (2 * a)-perihelionPosition
	return Ra

local e = eccentricity -- Replace with your value for eccentricity

-- Calculate parameter p
local p = a * (1 - e^2)

-- Calculate aphelion distance Ra
local Ra = p / (1 - e)

local aphelionDistance = Ra

-- Print the results

local a = semiMajorAxisStuds
-- Function to calculate the aphelion position

local aphelionDistance = p/(1-e)

print("Parameter (p):", p)

print("Aphelion distance", aphelionDistance)

-- Define a function to calculate orbital elements
function calculateOrbitalElements(position, velocity, mu)
	-- Calculate specific angular momentum vector
	local h = position:Cross(velocity)

	-- Calculate node line vector (n)
	local k =, 1, 0) -- Reference direction (y-axis)
	local n = k:Cross(h)

	-- Calculate eccentricity vector (e)
	local r = position.Magnitude
	local vCrossH = velocity:Cross(h)
	local e = (vCrossH / mu) - (position / r)
	-- Calculate inclination (i)
	local hMag = h.Magnitude
	local i = math.acos(h.Y / hMag)

	-- Calculate longitude of ascending node (Omega)
	local nMag = n.Magnitude
	local Omega = 0
	if nMag ~= 0 then
		Omega = math.acos(n.X / nMag)
		if n.Z < 0 then
			Omega = 2 * math.pi - Omega

	local function CalculateNodeDot(n, e)
		return n:Dot(e)

	local nMag = n.magnitude  
	local eMag = e.magnitude 

	local DotEN = CalculateNodeDot(n, e)

	local smallOmega = math.acos(DotEN / (eMag * nMag))

	local omega = smallOmega
	-- hours wasted counter on this = 4

	return math.deg(i), math.deg(Omega), math.deg(omega) -- Return angles in degrees

-- Example values
local position = partPosition
local velocity = partVelocity
-- Calculate orbital elements
local inclination, longitudeOfAscendingNode, argumentOfPerihelion = calculateOrbitalElements(position, velocity, mu)

local argumentOfPerihelion = 125
-- Print the results
print("Inclination (i):", inclination)
print("Longitude of Ascending Node (Ω):", longitudeOfAscendingNode)
print("Argument of Perihelion (ω):", argumentOfPerihelion)

local function RobloxToPeriFocal(x, y, z)
	return x, -z, y

local function PeriFocalToRoblox(i, j, k)
	return i, k, -j

-- Calculate the transformation matrix from perifocal to ECI coordinates
local function CalculatePerifocalToECIMatrix(inclination, longitudeOfAscendingNode, argumentOfPeriapsis)

	local i = math.rad(inclination)
	local Omega = math.rad(longitudeOfAscendingNode)
	local omega = math.rad(argumentOfPeriapsis)

	local cosI = math.cos(i)
	local sinI = math.sin(i)
	local cosOmega = math.cos(Omega)
	local sinOmega = math.sin(Omega)
	local cosOmegaSmall = math.cos(omega)
	local sinOmegaSmall = math.sin(omega)

	-- Calculate the rotation matrix
	local m11 = cosOmega * cosOmegaSmall - sinOmega * cosI * sinOmegaSmall
	local m12 = -cosOmega * sinOmegaSmall - sinOmega * cosI * cosOmegaSmall
	local m13 = sinOmega * sinI
	local m21 = sinOmega * cosOmegaSmall + cosOmega * cosI * sinOmegaSmall
	local m22 = -sinOmega * sinOmegaSmall + cosOmega * cosI * cosOmegaSmall
	local m23 = -cosOmega * sinI
	local m31 = sinI * sinOmegaSmall
	local m32 = sinI * cosOmegaSmall
	local m33 = cosI

	return m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33

local function drawEllipticalOrbit(semiMajorAxis, eccentricity, inclination, longitudeOfAscendingNode, argumentOfPerihelion)
	local numPoints = 100
	-- Calculate the transformation matrix
	local m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33 = 
		CalculatePerifocalToECIMatrix(inclination, longitudeOfAscendingNode, argumentOfPerihelion)

	for j = 1, numPoints do
		local angle = 2 * math.pi * j / numPoints  -- Calculate angle around the orbit

		-- Calculate distance from the center to the point on the orbit
		local distance = semiMajorAxis * (1 - eccentricity^2) / (1 + eccentricity * math.cos(angle))

		-- Calculate position in the orbital plane (x-y plane)
		local x = distance * math.cos(angle)
		local y = distance * math.sin(angle)
		local z = 0

		-- Apply the rotation matrix to the point (x, y, z) in perifocal coordinates
		local x3 = m11 * x + m12 * y + m13 * z
		local y3 = m21 * x + m22 * y + m23 * z
		local z3 = m31 * x + m32 * y + m33 * z


		local finalX, finalY, finalZ = PeriFocalToRoblox(-x3, y3, z3)
		local finalPosition =, finalY, finalZ)

		local orbitPart ="Part")
		orbitPart.Size =, 30, 30)
		orbitPart.Position = finalPosition
		orbitPart.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255)
		orbitPart.Anchored = true
		orbitPart.Parent = game.Workspace 
		orbitPart.CanCollide = false

-- Draw the orbit
drawEllipticalOrbit(semiMajorAxisStuds, eccentricity, inclination, longitudeOfAscendingNode, argumentOfPerihelion)

If you have any ideas on how to approximate the Argument of Periapsis I would like to hear them too!!! If it helps the 3 parameters I mentioned have a 1:1 correspondence with Euler’s angles

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My grasp on this might be too shaky to provide much advice, but did you mean to negate the x3?

yes I did mean to negate it all calculations are done for a “Perifocal cord system” its different to that of roblox’s the key difference being that Z is the “up” axis and y is swapped for it. It’s pretty common to have a negation with converting between two cord systems. If I remove it almost everything is wrong.

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No im an idiot I was wrong I didn’t solve it I forgot to add Z axis so the argument of perihelion was 90 degrees. The real solution was pi. When computing the argument of perihelion based on the Y position of the spacecraft I needed to negate the argument of perihelion and add Pi or keep it positive and add Pi… if I wasn’t so lazy and just did some of the calculations by hand I would of solved it ages ago

so the real takeaway is actually know how to do cross and dot products
Basically I didn’t calculate the parameters correctly for certain situations

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