Looks great, right? Well, there’s one problem with it. It’s the railing.
As you can see in this picture, the black block is aligned at the exact angle as the railing next to it. The block is not supposed to go through the staircase, but instead go at the right angle.
In what way did you use gapfill? If you gapfill the top step to the bottom step, the generated part should line up with your stairs perfectly, and can be used to create the railing. This assumes that each individual step is an equal distance away from each other, or some won’t line up with the gapfill.
If I am understanding your problem correctly, the part highlighted in blue should be decreasing at the same rate as the steps. I think there is really only two causes for this problem:
The steps aren’t all the same height/width
If the steps’ sides are all perfect squares, then the part should have a rotation of 45 degrees, and it currently is at a different rotation
@fourpapa1 I used gapfill from the bottom of the block to the bottom of the railing, all on the same side of each.
@K_reex All of the steps are the same height, width, and distance from each other. There are more steps on the second set since I was trying to reach the second floor at the right height.
I actually had a similar problem to you but managed to solve it after much tedious work.
I then was baffled by an amazing plugin which allows you to rotate objects about a point like about a corner.
In your instance i would extend a part to the top of the railing and use the plugin to rotate it about the top side adjacent to whatever its connected to.
The plugin is qCmdUtl
To use the function I’m talking about click on Select Edge at the bottom of the utility and Alt+Click on the side you want to rotate from.
The definite answer is that the steps and the railing have unparalleled alignment. First of all, the right railing after the first steps does not have an equivalent bottom connector, which is that the bottom of the railing is starting from 1 rather than 0. In other words, unnoticed OBOE.
Second of all, the connecting block is not placed correctly, set slightly off from the edge and it will be fine(clipping into the wood). If you still can’t line it up, duplicate the stairs and simplify by removing the top half and recreating the railing as if it was only straight forward.
Finally, there is nothing wrong with a GapFIll plugin, it works perfectly.
I’ve read all of the posts on how to solve this issue, (and even installed the SBS plugin @fourpapa1 has mentioned. I’ve found them useful, but I’ve figured out a solution for my issue (not that they’re useless, I just came up with a easier way).
Since I know all of the steps are the same height and distance from each other, I made a wedge from the first step as shown:
Then I brought the wedge up to the next step. I brought both wedges higher than their anticipated steps.
I then continued the process until I got to the top of the first half of the staircase.