Problem with tables and arrays

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    So i have an small problem. Instead of getting [""] i get something like that [""] = 1.
    But in this situation i need to get all arrays names not their value. Also important so no one will say me about it. It prints 5, but when luck added it looks like that [“Luck1”] = 1

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    After deep investigation i found what it is getting amount. So my ProductionTable[luck] become nil.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? I literally have an small script checker, but it didn’t help as i see

Get Money Code:

function ServerModule.GetMoney(player, Time)
	Income = 0
	local LuckTable = PlayerManager.GetLuckAmounts(player)
	local ProductionModule = require(script.Parent.MainModules.ProductionModule)
	for _,lucks in pairs(LuckTable) do
		Income += ProductionModule[lucks] + PlayerManager.GetLuckAmounts(player, lucks)
		PlayerManager.SetValue(player, "Power", PlayerManager.GetValue(player, "Power") + Income)
	HeadGUI.StatsFrame.PowerLabel = "Power: "..Suffix(PlayerManager.GetValue(player, "Power"), 2).."Amp"
	print(PlayerManager.GetValue(player, "Power"))

GetLuckAmounts code

function PlayerManager.GetLuckAmounts(player, luck)
	if luck == nil then
	return sessionData[player.UserId].LuckAmounts
	elseif luck ~= nil then
	return sessionData[player.UserId].LuckAmounts[luck]

You should change the loop to something like this:

for key,value in pairs(LuckTable) do

then you can access both the key name and it’s value:

print(key) -- will print the key name
1 Like

Try switching your modules function from a . for a :

I already understood that thing yeah, i realised in in 11pm how to do it right lol, but anyways thanks

Bruh what would this change, for this function it wouldn’t give any result

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