Problem With Text

I have a problem with my script, all lines works only the location line is not working and gives this error:

→ Problem fixed!

When you use :FireServer, don’t include your own player because the server already receives your player.

Fixed local script:

	script.Parent.Text = "MELDING VERZENDEN"

	local Locatie = script.Parent.Parent.LocatieB.Text
	local Melding = script.Parent.Parent.MeldingB.Text
	local Team = script.Parent.Parent.TeamsB.Text

	game.ReplicatedStorage.MeldingSysteem.MeldingOntvangen:FireServer(Locatie, Melding, Team)
	script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false
1 Like

Yup, thats works.

But in testing mode works everything but if i join the main game i get a error.

Have you published and migrated the game to the latest update?
Screenshot 2023-04-09 4.04.59 PM

Yup thats works, 1 question. Does this script really need to be protected with roblox’s filtering system?

There’s no point for putting the plr parameter in FireServer() since the player parameter is alr there in the OnServerEvent.
Change ur local script to this:

	script.Parent.Text = "MELDING VERZENDEN"
	local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
	local Locatie = script.Parent.Parent.LocatieB.Text
	local Melding = script.Parent.Parent.MeldingB.Text
	local Team = script.Parent.Parent.TeamsB.Text
	game.ReplicatedStorage.MeldingSysteem.MeldingOntvangen:FireServer(Locatie, Melding, Team)
		script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false


What do you mean? If you mean you are displaying text typed by users, then yes, it should be. You don’t want to get banned for unsafe content.

Yes, how do I make a filter system on it, because I personally have never had to do that.