Problem with the positioning of the welded part

I’m making my own bloody dismemberment system like Combat Warriors and other games, but can anyone tell me why this happens when I try to change the position of a welded gib with another parts to any of the player’s hands or NPCs?


local gib = game.ServerStorage.RL:Clone()
				gib.Parent = script.Parent.Torso
				gib.Center.Position = script.Parent["Right Leg"].Position
				local weld ="Weld")
				weld.Part0 = script.Parent.Torso
				weld.Part1 = gib.Center
				weld.Parent = script.Parent.Torso
				weld.C0 =,-1, 0.05) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0),90,math.rad(-180))

You’re not setting the weld.C1 property.
Also, when you select the gib with the Move tool where do the arrows align with? If an item’s Pivot has been reset that becomes the center of the item for all rotation, movement, and Position.

You can go to the Pivot tools in the Model tab, select edit pivot, and then click Reset to realign the Pivot.