Problem with tool clone script

There is a problem when I try to clone a tool to a player’s backpack. Strangely, the output is displaying it working. I need help.

Screenshot 2022-06-19 171457

	local Tool = game.ReplicatedStorage.TrenchGun:Clone()
	Tool.Parent = player.Backpack
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Where is the full script because I don’t see where the callstack is coming from.

That’s the full script, do I need to re-do the script?

bro they wrote line 7 that’s not the full script :eyes:

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I think the output is coming from the script inside the tool, not this one.

Can you please specify the problem you are currently dealing with? I don’t seem to understand what is the problem here.

Checked your Backpack and still not there?

What about issue was came from tool instead?