Problem with Tool

Currently, I am making a tool that includes a tome (magic book) and when you equip, the tome is floating near you beside your right arm. However, I tried using the Equipped function for the tool and CFrame to change the position of where the tome is but it doesn’t work. When I try to use it, the tome is near your right arm but then teleports to the place where it originally was in Studio.


local tome = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TomeModel")

	local character = tool.Parent
	local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
	local CF = player.Character["Right Arm"].CFrame *,0.351,-2) *, math.rad(-131.59), math.rad(-46.91))

picture of the tome model:

What does the qPerfectionWeld script do? Chances are, it’s creating a weld when the game starts that’s causing it to change it’s position. Provided you don’t need to animate the tool in any way, I would recommend manually creating welds in Studio rather than trying to create them after. I’d recommend using the constraint tool and creating WeldConstraints. Wiki documentation on WeldConstraints. The tool for creating them should be under the Model tab in studio.

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