I want to tween a model which I have named ‘Landmine’, I have read the ‘Introduction to Tweening Models’ and followed the steps and even watched this
which is basically a video version of the guide
Issue: I cannot tween this model, its mostly made out of unions
and I have welded everything as seen here
and all of the parts are unanchored except the PrimaryPart of the model which is LandmineCase, which IS anchored.
The solutions i’ve tried are going onto guides and watching youtube videos and reading comments on the introduction to tweening models guide.
Here is a gif to show what happens https://gyazo.com/47c8033feeb855b41104d8fdbcadfa42
if rotateDB == false then
rotateDB = true
TweenService:Create(result.Instance.Parent.PrimaryPart,TweenInfo.new(1,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine),{Orientation = Vector3.new(0,90,90)}):Play()
TweenService:Create(result.Instance.Parent.PrimaryPart,TweenInfo.new(1,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine),{Orientation = Vector3.new(0,90,-90)}):Play()
rotateDB = false
I’m sorry but, in the video that I watched it doesn’t say that the primary part of the model which is anchored has to be welded, could you expand on that answer?
At this point it has been 2 days and nothing has come out of this post, I just want my model to rotate 180 degrees with all of its parts, how would I do that? It doesn’t have to be tweened.
OK I was unable to solve the issue of tweening models, I just read this guide on how to rotate it and it worked just fine, its quite sad that I cannot add animation to it but, its the only solution I found.How to rotate a model using scripts