Problem with typing game


I am making a typing game. But for some reason the typing preview keeps drifting off to the side.
For more context, here’s a video:

The code that’s running this is:

MainScroll.Position -= UDim2.fromOffset(MainScroll[i].AbsoluteSize.X, 0)

(FYI: Each letter is its own label.)

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Could you show some more details…?

I’m not really sure what’s going on just based on:

MainScroll.Position -= UDim2.fromOffset(MainScroll[i].AbsoluteSize.X, 0)

What is MainScroll?
What is i ?
Can you give a brief explanation of your script?

MainScroll contains all the characters with a UIListLayout (Horizontal). This is the frame that actually moves to reveal the next characters.

“i” is the current character position in the full test. Since each character label is named with it’s position, MainScroll[i] is getting the label in that position.

If you want it, here’s a larger chunk of the script:

local FullString = ""
		local WordCount = 25
		for i = 1, WordCount do
			if i == WordCount then
				FullString = FullString..WordList[math.random(1, #WordList)]
				FullString = FullString..WordList[math.random(1, #WordList)].." "
		for i = 1, #FullString do
			local NewChar = script.character:Clone()
			NewChar.Parent = MainScroll
			NewChar.LayoutOrder = i
			NewChar.Text = string.sub(FullString, i, i)
			NewChar.Name = i
		for i = 1, #FullString do
			local Character = string.sub(FullString, i, i)
			local HasDoneInput = false
			local Connection = UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
				if Character == " " then
					if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
						HasDoneInput = true
						MainScroll[i].TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
					if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode[string.upper(Character)] then
						HasDoneInput = true
						MainScroll[i].TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
			repeat task.wait() until HasDoneInput
			print(i, Character, "successful.")
			MainScroll[i].TextTransparency = 0
			MainScroll[i].TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
			MainScroll.Position -= UDim2.fromOffset(MainScroll[i].AbsoluteSize.X, 0)

Ah, in that case is this supposed to be AbsoluteSize?

What I’m seeing is you’re decrementing MainScroll.Position by a variable amount of [MainScroll[I].AbsoluteSize.X] but I don’t understand why?

My guess would be the bug is either :
MainScroll.Position -= should be MainScroll.Position ==?
MainScroll[i].AbsoluteSize.X should be kept constant

I made the character’s AutomaticSize property to X to ensure each character is the same size. I’m decrementing it so it goes left instead of right.

I tried setting the character’s size to 48 directly, and I tried setting the position to this:

MainScroll.Position =, 48 * i, 0, 0)

However that didn’t work.

Try this:
MainScroll.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(MainScroll.AbsolutePosition.X - MainScroll[i].AbsolutePosition.X, 0)

Instead of continuously remove some amount of pixels, I made it calculate the (negative of the) distance between the left side of MainScroll, to the left side of the character, and use that number to calculate by how much MainScroll should move to the left

This approach avoids the accumulation of errors (for example, if you add up a lot of results with small imprecision, they add up to a big imprecision, but here, nothing is getting added up, as per the absence of -=)
The video you showed doesn’t lead me to believe accumulation of imprecision was the cause, as it should take way more than a couple characters to accumulate imprecision, and in theory their position is in pixels, and roblox doesn’t support (yet) decimal pixels, so there shouldn’t be floating point imprecision here

If you UIListLayout has padding or something, that could also be the cause of your issue. Either way, the approach I gave should be more reliable regardless

Yep! After tweaking it a bit to match what I wanted, it works flawlessly! Thank you!

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