Problem with unanchored parts and their physics when hit at a high velocity

Hello! I’m working on a kart game.
This isn’t a big issue, but I feel like that solving this could make it feel much better.

So, does anyone by any chance know why this happens, and if it’s fixable?

As soon as i hit the tires at a high velocity (at slow its pretty normal and acceptable) they teleport back and i don’t like that.

Let me know and thanks for helping!

Probably due to roblox physics not being ideal, if you give the player who hits them the network ownership it should be much smoother, but this might lead to exploiters abusing that.

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But this can probably be secured by destroying the tires if they’re moved too far from where they originally were.

i feel like you’re most likely correct with the network ownership judgement as it seems as though once the server recognises the tires to be within the players ownership region, the ownership is transferred which cause the hiccup

however i would suggest that for more aesthetic props like these that maybe it would be better if the tires were simply spawned in clientside;

  • it would require time, testing and possibly performance to create a system that could accurately detect when a player is about to collide with the tires to swap ownership before the collision and therefore produce a smooth collision without transferring ownership during the collision/aftermath
  • like you mentioned, this may be exploitable (could be used to fling players passing by, even if nearby)
  • you would also be saving server resources by removing these multiple unanchored parts as, for a majority of the game, they’re most likely just going to be sitting around lol

personally, for what is simply a prop in the map and doesnt actually require accuracy between the perspective of clients, it may be better to just have these tires (and any other unanchored prop on the map) not actually “exist” within the workspace of the server, but instead be cloned in on the clientside as the map loads/game starts

but either way, if these tires are being hit around, you should consider having a way to destroy/respawn them after being hit