I have a round cylinder part (floor). I want to cut into it a rectangular hole.
I make a negative rectangular part and I union both.
For the resulting union I put CollisionFidelity=PreciseConvexDecomposition, however my hole is still obstructed and not rectangular. It only visually looks rectangular:
I don’t tend to use unions personally, I would just make the assset in Blender. I wouldn’t reallly know whatt to tell you on how tto fix thatt problem however.
Unfortunately 6 studs will be too large for me. I need it to be 4 studs.
Somehow I managed to do it with a lot of small random adjustments of the size/position of the negative part.
So it is possible the 4 studs hole to be completely unobstructed. However it is quite difficult and inconsistent…
Yeah Roblox’s collision stuff is pretty bad no matter the setting. You may want to just make a hitbox manually with invisible parts and make your original model cancollide and canquery false. I know it sucks, but thats the only solution I know.