Problem with UniverseID

As you can see in the images, I correctly enter the universeID. If anyone knows how to fix that, it would be of great help.

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That’s a place id, not a universe id. You can get the universe id from a place id via roblox API:
which returns
2587082057 ← your actuial universe id for that place


But how can I know the UniverseID of my game?

The link I sent here tells you what you need to know. Give it a placeID (at the end of the URL) and it’ll output the game’s universe ID

As an example, if I go to my game’s main place here:

That number that I’m outlining in red is the placeID. To get the universeID I take my link and put it in my browser with the placeID shown in red

Finally, I press enter, and I get this:

That ID (16680835) is the universeID


Thank you for taking the time to explain!

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