I have a problem with using BoundFunction in my game so have created a test place for the problem.
I am trying to use a mouse click to identify the position of a new object that I want a server script to generate from a clone of an object in ReplicatedStorage.
I have put prints in the scripts to monitor the progress but it does not complete the process. It stalls at the Invokation.
TestPlace9.rbxl (60.9 KB)
Anyone help me with this?
You’re using a BindableFunction, which is meant for same-side communication (e.g. client-client/server-server). You’re trying to involve the other end of the network (the server), so you’ll require a RemoteFunction instead. Be sure to make the necessary adjustments as the callback assigned to the
will not behave the same way. -
You’re using a dot operator where a colon is expected. Always invoke methods of instances and objects with the colon operator
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