Problem with UV editing

I’m really, really sorry because I ask such questions on a different developer hub…

But, I have a problem with my UV editing in Blender.

Screenshot (168)

As you can see here I have a lot of marked seams on my blender model, which are supposed to appear on the left-side of the screen before and after I click unwrap.

Surprisingly… This doesn’t happen.

I think I don’t need to specify the searched sources because it would take too much. But as you can think I visited every forum and youtube video possible.

This thing has made my entire day an absolute nightmare…

What can possibly cause such thing to happen?

Any possible solutions will be equally appreciated.


Can someone help me please???

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First question: Did you select everything while you were trying to uv unwrap?
Second question: You probably should use ‘Smart UV Project’ instead


Sorry for very late response…

Your second question solved the problem that I was struggling with. Thank you!

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