I have this script (Just a default ‘leaderstats’ script):
local Leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder", Player)
Leaderstats.Name = "Stats"
local Health = Instance.new("IntValue", Leaderstats)
Health.Name = "Health"
Health.Value = 100
Health.Value += Player:WaitForChild("LevelUpStats").Health.Value
local Dodge = Instance.new("IntValue", Leaderstats)
Dodge.Name = "Dodge"
Dodge.Value = 0
Dodge.Value += Player:WaitForChild("LevelUpStats").Dodge.Value
local Strength = Instance.new("IntValue", Leaderstats)
Strength.Name = "Strength"
Strength.Value = 0
Strength.Value += Player:WaitForChild("LevelUpStats").Strength.Value
local Luck = Instance.new("IntValue", Leaderstats)
Luck.Name = "Luck"
Luck.Value = 0
Luck.Value += Player:WaitForChild("LevelUpStats").Luck.Value
But the “Health” value is always 100 and the other values are always 0.
Note: The values in “LevelUpStats” are set correctly and are not 0.