I have an activity logger that tracks player activity and then subtracts minutes that they were AFK from the total value. The AFK script I have is this:
local function AFK(Player, Status)
if Status == true then
while true do
Player.AFKTime.Value += 1
print("Player is not playing")
Once the player returns, the value of “Status” becomes false. However, the value-adding and the print continue even after the player is back and the value is false.
Any idea on why this is happening? I have also tried using while wait(5) do, which also doesn’t work.
The code above can misbehave in a lot of ways, because everytime it runs it creates a new loop(and I assume it will only run once if threads aren’t used). I tried recreating the script above, but instead it uses a single loop for every “afk” player:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local afks = {}
local function AFK(Player, Status)
if Status and not table.find(afks, Player) then
table.insert(afks, Player)
elseif not Status then
local index = table.find(afks, Player)
if index then
table.remove(afks, index)
--loop should be at the bottom of the script or inside another thread, else it stops the code below it from running
while task.wait(5) do
for index, afk in pairs(afks) do
local t = afk.AFKTime
if Players:GetPlayerByUserId(afk.UserId) and t then
t.Value += 1
--if they are not in game, remove them
table.remove(afks, index)
Hey the issue here is that when you call the function you basically set the variable Status to True so when you actually update status the function still has the old one.
Try this
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local bool = Instance.new("BoolValue")
bool.Parent = plr
bool.Name = "AFK"
bool.Value = false -- Sets Player To Not AFK
local function AFK(Player, Status)
while wait(5) and Player:FindFirstChild('AFK').Value do -- Waits 5 Seconds then checks if player is afk
print("Player is not playing")
By checking if the value is true with an actual bool it gets an updated value. Hopefully this gives perspective on the error and this was just an example or a way you could do it