Problems checking if 4 emitters are enabled

Howdy! Hope yall are having a good day.
Ive been trying to make a script that checks if all 4 particle emitters are enabled, and if they are, run another script.
For now, it should only print “Finally” Instead of “Nope”.

At the moment, it only prints Nope even though I enable the particle emitters, here’s my code

local light1 = script.Parent.lights.Light1
local light2 = script.Parent.lights.Light2
local light3 = script.Parent.lights.Light3
local light4 = script.Parent.lights.Light4
local Emitter1 = light1.Light.ParticleEmitter
local Emitter2 = light2.Light.ParticleEmitter
local Emitter3 = light3.Light.ParticleEmitter
local Emitter4 = light4.Light.ParticleEmitter
while true do
if Emitter1.Enabled==true and Emitter2.Enabled==true and Emitter3.Enabled==true and Emitter4.Enabled==true then
		print ("Finally.")
	print ("Nope.")

Any way to fix this? Not sure whats wrong since it is able to print Nope, but not print Finally when the emitters are all on

Debug, Print to double check

print ("Nope.")
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