Problems positioning NPCS

I’m trying to position an NPC to a part’s position + an offset, but they always end up in the ground for some reason, no matter how much Y offset I add.



	local char = self.Character
	local hrp = char.HumanoidRootPart
	local hum: Humanoid = char.Humanoid
	local building = self.Building
	local heistFolder = building.Heist
	local enterZone = heistFolder.EnterZone
	hrp.Position = enterZone.Position + self.SpawnOffset --Currently adds 3 studs to the Y, but the position literally doesn't change even if I change it to 30 studs

The position of the NPCS

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You have to set a CFrame here instead of just setting the position of the humanoid root part, otherwise the entire NPC won’t move to the new position:

hrp.CFrame = + self.SpawnOffset)
char:PivotTo(enterZone.CFrame +,self.SpawnOffset,0)) -- enterZone:BasePart

If you use Pivot To and redirect to the target’s cframe, you can get exactly the desired result.

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